Outdoor Christmas Decorations

Outdoor christmas decorations ideas are all around us during the holiday season. The easiest way to get festive is to put up some outdoor Christmas lights whether the colorful ones or the newer, modern icicle lights that are all white. Of course, there are the uber holiday types that get some awesome outdoor lawn decorations for the front yard of their homes. These include inflatable xmas characters like Santa Claus, snowman figures, reindeer and much more. Some are animated while others are lit and don't move. The motorized ones add another dimension to the outside decor which makes them more interesting and engaging to watch as you walk by. Some people use DIY homemade patterns in wood with lights to spell things out or make their own festive shapes and figures like Xmas trees. If you want to do more than just put up lights this year, check out the outdoor Christmas decorations in this video for ideas and inspiration. Happy holidays!